Thursday, February 9, 2012

feb part 1

feb 2nd?

feb 3rd4th - off/sick

feb 5th:
PC x 1/PJ x 3 - 5 sets
PP x 5
T2B x 10
(all times 5)

feb 6th:
5 rds:
20 cals AD
20 wall balls
1 muscle up
10 ring dips

feb 7th:
PS - built to 135# x 2
TnG HPS - 95# x 7 x 3
PS x 1
SnG PP x 5
(all times 4)

feb 8th:
MAP session:
5 rds:
5 BJ's - 24"
10 chin ups
15 back ext's
(rest 3 min)
5 rds:
12 heavy ball lunges - 50# on shoulder
24 double unders
(rest 3 min)
5 rds:
10 ghd sit ups
5 burpees
500 m bike

feb 9th:
HPS -built to 135# x 3 - almost good on form - need elbows high and up and out, and shoulders more in front of bar on hang - FEEL THE HAMMIES!
3 rds:
145# clean and OH x 3
1 squat clean - 145#
3 FS - 145#