Friday, September 30, 2011

sep 30, 2011

25 m breast, rest, 25 m free, rest - 500 m total, 10 of each
(just learning how to swim again, felt good, less painful to get in pool in AM than it is for 20-30 min of warming up to run - will run at lunch

Lunch Time...@ CF 480
Sprint 20 sec ish @ 90%
walk back rest 1:40x 5
(rest 5 min)
Sprint 20 sec ish @ 90%
walk back rest 1:40x 4

- running in heat at noon not the best, best scenario for noon is track work only for speed
- terrain at CF 480 was poor, in a parking lot, need softer shoes to balance in and out of the minimus to save my feet, just did not feel right today - hips little tight, feels like i'm not ready to open it up yet...maybe need more touches on the 10-20 stuff at 80-90% and the 1-3 min work @ VO2 Max repeats...then tighten up the 400-600's when i get that down path
- to get to that i need - recovery!, run in mid AM after breaky OR bigger warm up with getting up earlier...oh my the choices!
- will try and swim every AM in weekday, its easy and feels good/refreshing
- did not eat enough this AM as well, 1.5 bananas, BUNCH of bacon at 6:45-7 am then nothing till 1 pm-1:30 pm - 6 hours! - yikes

Thursday, September 29, 2011

sep 29, 2011

WOW, its been 18 days since last update...have thought numerous times about doing it and just put it off for other things...OPTathlon coming up, trip to BC, before that Baltimore...
to sum it up...
tweaked my upper back before baltimore and IFM course
ran over there every day, was good, bought some new runners before i left, NB minimus, they have been great but my calves are not happy thus far
the day i got back from baltimore, we left the next day for BC and Vancouver, had some solid runs there and in Kelowna after that also, weather was cool, crisp, moist, all things leading to solid breathing runs; last day in kelowna actually stepped on a track; my calves were too sore to do any runs but nonetheless it was sweet to get on there, can't wait to open it up

did some research as well on the race in April;
- have to get affiliated with a local USATF place - will do ASAP
- track is 200 m with banked curves - should be fun, need to play with that some time this year
- need to sign up for some local short course races like miles and 3K's, as well as some 800's over the winter...itching for some testing and some speed
- Nick Symmonds from Oregon and Nike is the same height and weight - 5'10", 165# but i am looking at his training and stuff lately as its someone i can look at as a visual of success..his volume is higher than i can handle but the split is nice:
Monday/Wed/Fri AM - easy longer runs
Tues - intervals and swim split up in day
SAt - intervals and race pace
Sun - longer effort
(only weight trains and core work 2-3 x/week max and does a 1:43-45 each time out...nice work)

i knew i'd need to mimic that over time, now the time has come where the weight room is less impt and the track and recovery is key for i am more powerful now at 37 yoa than fast so the speed work and recovery is NOW

next on the agenda is a good practitioner for recovery; the MT i was seeing is OK but need a better source; my lack of flexibility in my R ankle from the injury years back is coming back to haunt me with smaller differential shoes and the speed increasing

have felt a need to get into some fartlek and speed work over the past month as well as hills and have proceeded to do so...might need a better plan for the transition for my feet and ankles also..will draft one up...also have found it better @ 165# BWT and not doing any circuit style training, only oly stuff, slow lifts and core work and have more pop in my step

AM - easy 30 min up NTPP and back - calves little tight
A. HPC - build to 175# x 5
B. PCx1/HPCx1/PJx1, rest 5 sec, light prowler push 30 ft; rest 2 min x 3
5 rds @ 60%:
1 MU
6 pistols/leg
(easy and was mobility in ankle i was considering)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

sep 11, 2011

Ran 4.5 miles, 40 min worth, out paradise lane and over towards and up 105th where we got Hannah from her b-day party yesterday.
Yesterday went to road runners in scottsdale, they did not have the shoe selection i needed, only the minimus in NB, the road shoe seemed STILL too much of a heel, and the train was fine, i think i might get those for the trail runs here as they are a perfect fit and low heel to forefoot differential, what i am after.
Even on the downhills now my foot is slapping due to the large heel in the frees, maybe i'll get a good pair in Baltimore this week while there for IFM course.
I challenged every hill this AM, so the effort was b/t 4-7, last hill to home was solid, good form, calves were tight the whole run, but that is due to first time back yesterday, i'll take care of them this week.
was up at 4:36 AM, warmed up till 5:15 ish and then went out, did some abc's in the parking lot, then gone.

40 min x 5 = 200 pts and yesterday was about the same so 400 for 2 days this week

Will try to get another workout in with L today at CF 480.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

sep 10, 2011

slept poor as i was thinking about getting up and running, did not have watch alarm on, so from 3AM onward was up and down...then got up at 4:45

started out over NTPP, then down Bell, then did some striding along 98th towards school, stopped to check and see if there is a track there - too dark, then over the bottom of the Triangle Loop, up McDowell Mtn Ranch road, over 105th, then back to McDowell then up top did some strides and speed work as Ross mentioned, along with:
- tall in torso
- drive leg down, not forward
- mid foot, no slap even when slow run
- 90+ rpm on metronome
- chin down
- relax traps
all good

will try to add up points and get back on Baltimore, Sunday to Friday PM, then in BC for 10 days..OUT!

sep 9, 2011

Noon @ CF 480 with Leighanne:

A. PS - 3 x 3 - 125# x 3
B. CGDL - 315# x 2 x 3
5 rds:
15 push ups
15 wall balls
15 KBS - 1.5 pd
(7-8 min or so,,,fun)

Friday, September 2, 2011

sep 2, 2011

did triangle TT route as on aug 17, 2011
time then said 15 min but if there was no guessing i'm assuming on that time
as did it this AM after a long warm up in 15:45...says 15:12 on aug 17th and i was at a top pace for this AM...will have to test again i guess to see....hence the reason for being specific on the time/distance/etc...

3.7K in 15:45 - 15.5 x 7.5 = 116 points today (+587) = 703 for week so far

Noon @ CF 480
with Matt Clark and Max and Nick
FS - build to a tough 5 fast - built to 245
HSC practice
10-1 against Arjuna
7 min - hang power clean and push press - 95# and WB's
was a gasser!

sep 3rd:
grass run with Ross
30/30 x 6
60/60 x 4
90/90 x 2
with Ross - pushed me good on last 90
flared up foot though, used calves and feet too mush too soon - its sep 8th now as i write this and almost better, not there yet though

CF 480
Power Clean x 3
Row 10-12 sec @ 100%
rest 3-5 min x 5 - built to 235 x 3
15 DU's
5 burpees
15 DU's
5 burpees
15 DU's
5 burpees
(rest 5 min x 3)

sep 4th:
Run with Ross - skill work on road
tall, chin down, 90 beats/min - get metronome, fore foot!

sep 5th:
sep 6th:
worked out with Greeley at CF 480
BS - build to a tough double fast - built to 275 x 2
hang squat snatch x 3, hold in bottom work
30 sec on/30 sec off
FLR, KB swing - 2pd russian, ring chin ups

sep 7th:
Moab Biking:
in Dead Horse State Park
did 2.5 hours of constant pedalling biking, on moderate terrain, flat but aggressive, was AWESOME experience, got into pace, left group, they got lost so i searched, bonked 2 times, barely made it back last time, was super experience - was in Zone on bike i have not felt in a long while - GOTTA get a good mountain bike - road a Rocky Mountain Altitude - wicked!

sep 8th:
Noon at home - just got back this AM from New Mexico and NPE bus trip
Row sprints:
60 sec @ 90-95%
5 min rest x 10
312,315,317,318,319 m
rest 10 min
317,317, 316, 295 (late start and timer started),316

should have rested 15-20 min
last 5 sets were TOUGH! = 95% +

Thursday, September 1, 2011

sep 1, 2011

Sunday, aug 28th:
Hannah and I worked out at lunch when Chloe was sleeping: Leighanne was at a conference all weekend.
Did some SL bounding + tuck jumps + few pace pick ups in the drive way
200 m row @ 97%
rest 2:30 x 5
(36.5, 37.2, 36.8, 36.5, 36.2 sec)

 RPE - 15 min @ 6 = 90 points - 778 TOTAL Points week 1

Monday, Aug 29th:
AM - 45 min - 1st 24 min @ 4-5 = 120 points
2nd 21 min @ 6-7 = 126 points, therefore 246 points for AM Run - did part of triangle loop, then up 98th to legacy then over and back - GOOD RUN choice for this effort, rolling, effective, different

Week 2 points begin - 246 points for today

with MAx @ CF 480
A. HSC x 3 - built to 175 x 3 x 2 sets
B. OHS - 95# x 10 x 3
C. 1-5 CTB chin ups x 4 - LOT faster than last week

Aug 30th:
did Bell Road hill, went down paradise behind my house then all the way up Bell Rd - hill route, not really hilly just incline the whole way - 35-40 min total - only 10-15 of it was at 6-7, therefore 25 x 3 = 75, 15 x 6 = 90, total for day - 165 (+246) = 411

Aug 31:
aggressive out and back to village gym on NTPP - 25 min total @ 7 = 125 points (good pace run this AM) + 411 = 536

@ CF 480 at lunch during CCP
A. Power CLean x 2 - built to 215 x 2
B. HSPU/KBS 2pd x 5 sets
C. Toes to bar slow - 21 reps
D. skipping

17 min - triangle loop, poor sleep and tired CNS wise from course so easy 17 min this AM
17 x 3 = 51 (+536) = 587