Monday, August 1, 2011

day 23

Once again, did not think this day was a go...but the alarm went off and I got up not sure If i was going to do anything...I sit here at the counter writing as I thought for sure that Hannah would be up, as I heard her stirring earlier...its just after 6AM and no sound whatsoever...sleep was off again last night, HOT in room and coyotes squealing at midnight just outside the this AM..

Went to the burm concrete version and did "hills" in the valley over there; there is this up and down section as soon as you go NorthEast on the burm track that is a 45-60 sec hill @ 80% effort, so I ran down, up the other side to the bottom of the power lines, then back down and up the big side; Red was wondering what the @#$% was going on...over and over I'm sure she was thinking????

Anyhow, did probably 5 repeats of that - HR at powerline top was 150-153, HR at top of concrete path top was 160-170 bpm...each set was harder, after 5, i walked for a bit and then did 3 concrete hills only lasting 45 sec each time and slight jog down...was thinking yesterday I'd go to Royal Oak today, maybe Wed before I leave I can drive the vehicle there (just that last night I did not leave it out)...will try that..massage later today.

- been on my mind recently with IP and anyone truly entitled?...I mean, at what point does someone deserve something...I try hard to feel that my integrity is not shot but it hurts for sure when someone ?'s the knowledge...but in the end my gut tells me that the "reasoning" behind it is the issue; where I have searched for "recognition" AND "entitlement" and wanted to oppress it in others as I write about it here for example when really for me, I'm the one who feels that I am at times. You have to laugh,  you just have to at's funny the way I work, as I won't say humans cause not all think like that.
What makes me happy is the fact that we are a team (my family and I) and without them, then I have nothing; which I might want to change as well...hmmm..but it does make me realize that knowing that we are solid there at home and they feel sucure is key, especially over the next few months as we transition to AZ, good times.

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